Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 16: Refrigerator Rolls (attempt #1)

These are supposed to be the easiest of rolls. The dough gets made and it gets locked in an airtight bowl with lid. It takes 24 hrs to rise and can live in the fridge for 5 days until needed. All that is true.

Four days went by and I decided to bake some rolls. How could I screw this up?

I roll 24 little balls in my hands and place them in two greased 13"x9" baking pans. (FYI: the glass pan looked to have better results.)

I put them in Bob to rise.

They rise. They begin to look good.

Perhaps I thought (hoped) they could get a little bigger (higher). So, I left them in Bob a wee bit longer than 35 minutes.

More like 38 minutes. And, then, I went and peeked inside Bob and they were....

F - L -A-T

I baked the suckers. The men saw them and suggested gravy be served with the biscuits. Biscuits?! ROLLS!

We ate the pucks rolls.

Their saving grace was the flavor. Because their flavor was similar to that of store bought "Hawaiian Bread", we decided I shouldn't write them off. So, in a few days, I'll try again. You know I'll keep you posted.

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