Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bread Boogers


They're called boogers, or boogies or goobers or whatever you call those pesky things your child picks from their nose. You find them on the wall sometimes beside your child's bed. Or stuck to their car seat. Or stuck to the Lazy Boy chair. Or just sticking to the side of their nose.

They are sticky little suckers. And when they dry, it's like someone took Gorilla Glue and attached them to wherever they happen to be. I've had to get a scraper in my toddler's room before I could paint. Nah...we just painted over them...more texture.

I just wanted to give you a heads up about one of the many ramifications of bread making. You should be aware of: Bread Boogers. No, they don't live in your nose. They live...well...they live in your kitchen. Mostly. They migrate though, like into the laundry.

The thing is, when you are cleaning up from your bread-making experience, these little boogers start popping up. Where? On the sponge. On the counter. On the sink. In the sink. On the utensils. On the mixer. On the bowls. On the pans. On the oven door handle. On the floor. On the cabinet doors. On the canisters. On the backsplash. On the window. In your hair. On the refrigerator. On your ranch back in Texas. On a clean dishtowel. On your apron. On your pants. On the dog.

Gross! I know! You're telling me!? I've been daily picking these things off of my kitchen. And if you happen to get a gooey one, just try flicking it off!  There's no picking and flicking. These little gooey ones can enlarge to 3x their size!

I haven't figured out if I should tend to them when they're gooey or when they're dry. Did you know that paper mache glue is made from flour and water? I mention this because, that's essentially what bread is made up of as well. So, you can imagine what a dried bread booger is like. And don't even get me started on how difficult they are to get out of washed and dried towels. No, no, no, we won't go there!

Now, if you are curious enough, I am posting pictures below. Don't judge me. You make bread everyday for 20 days and we'll see how your kitchen fares.

Exhibit A: The Sponge (ewwwwww)
Exhibit B: Side of Bowl (you expect them there)

Exhibit C: Rim of Sink approx. 2mm

Exhibit D: dried on the counter (it was mostly floured and was on a floured surface, so, you just scrape it up with little effort and toss it into the trash)

Exhibit E: Wooden Spoon (you wash your dishes and you think everything is clean. Then, you realize one bread booger must have made the transfer from sponge to wooden spoon when you weren't looking.)

Exhibit F: The Little Booger!! (found a tiny one next to the Ivory Dish Soap after I scoured everything and thought we were Bread Booger-free)

 You may now go back to your booger-free lives. This posting is over.

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