Monday, March 22, 2010

Snarky Sourdough

My friend has been given a 35 year old sourdough starter. It’s 2010. That means it was “born” in 1974! It has, like, lived a lifetime in a fridge and has traveled to who-knows-where and has seen who-knows-what. If, every 14 days, you scoop a cup out of the starter, then this 35 year old starter has had 912.49 “babies”! Where are they now? Were some thrown away? Were they fostered and/or adopted? How many “grandbabies” did original starter have? Was there a shout out on the Today Show for it’s 35th birthday? Is that old for a starter? Are there older ones out there? Can you imagine how many jugs of milk and tubs of cottage cheese and yogurt this starter has seen in its 35 years? How many refrigerators has it called home? I wonder if sits in the cold fridge and looks forward to the daily stirring?

I've named this 35 year old sourdough Snarky.

Snarky – snide and sarcastic, usually out of irritation (

Here is a recent photo of Snarky:

I started my own sourdough. I've named it Sid. It is only 16 days old. So far, it has only been fed once. It has made 2 loaves of "Country Crust Bread". That's all of Sid's story. Here's a photo of Sid in his home.


Julie said...

Wow, that's a lot of hooch on top. Will you stir it in or pour it off?

TexyElle said...

I stir it in. It keeps Snarky...snarky. LOL