Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 9: Third Time is a Charm Bread

Remember my Day 4: Life is #@*! Bread? . Anyway, today I tried for the 3rd time and.....

I DID IT!!!!!!

A new group of friends of mine get together each week and tomorrow, we'll be eating bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwiches for lunch. One gal asked if I'd bring some of my homemade bread.  I agreed and the pressure was on though I didn't have any fear. I told her and myself that if I failed (which was likely), I'd just bring some store bought stuff. I was so relaxed and casual and un-apprehensive during the whole process. No big deal. It was like playing golf.

I DID IT!!!!!!

Post BLT note: this bread is too crumbly for sandwiches. It was delicious though.

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