Friday, July 25, 2008



So Murphy, our miniature Schnauzer, came back from the groomers a week ago. He usually has a place where he incessantly licks. This time, being no different. He chose his left rear paw. No biggie, right? Well, as the week progresses, he keeps going after his paw. By Sunday, he was obsessed with chewing his foot. Walk, stop, chew. Walk, stop, chew. On and on it went. Vet is closed on Sundays and Mondays (of course). So, Tuesday, I take him in. I'm thinking of just getting him a space-age cone collar. The vet looks at it and says his foot is infected and she would like to drain it, see if there is anything in the wound and start him on some antibiotics. Murphy isn't a fan of people messing with his foot, so it would require sedation. Great. I leave Murphy in trusting hands and go on about my day. I get a phone call about an hour later from the vet. Guess what they found in Murphy's wound?! Grass seed. Yup. Really. How crazy is that? How disgusting is that? He could have picked that up anywhere! Do you know how paranoid I am now of letting him outside?

So, now he dons a space-age cone collar. (he loves it. not.) He mis-judges his space and bumps into everything. It's the funniest thing! He has pretty much mastered the stairs, though. It's still funny to watch. The funniest thing is when he goes outside. He can't quite get a good sniff of the ground to decide where the toilet of the day will be and you can just see frustration all over him! He also can't see the squirrels approaching or streaking by him on the fence. He has that Batman thing going on where he has to practically turn his whole upper half to see.

food for camping trip: $ 75
tank of gas for camping trip: $83
removing grass seed the dog hauled home in his foot from camping trip: $127
watching your dog move about in a space-age cone collar: priceless

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