Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Things I love about Oregon

  1. berries

  2. 85 degree days

  3. 60 degree nights

  4. berries

  5. large mountains

  6. colorful flowers

  7. sleeping with windows open

  8. Burgerville milkshakes

  9. Skyline of Portland at Twilight

  10. Columbia River Gorge

  11. sitting outside anytime on a summer day/night

  12. the smell of the air in the morning

  13. Oregon Coast

  14. Farmer's Markets on Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

  15. Esparza's Tex Mex on 28th and Burnside

  16. seeing Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helen's on a clear day

  17. A fountain RC cola at Helvetia Tavern (with their hamburgers and french fries!)

  18. berries

  19. hiking trails all over the place

  20. Oregon wine

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