Tuesday, August 12, 2008

O.K., I read the Twilight series. My family survived my addiction. I survived as well. My favorite two books of the series are Twilight and Breaking Dawn. Period.

Other things I survived this summer: 80/85 degree days (a cinch ), my Mother-in-Law visiting (nice), our friends, the Reid's visiting (which was totally fun for me), my parents visiting (which was delightful and comforting), no swimming pool filled days (sad) , camping in Eastern Oregon (hot), a road trip to Bend with my parents (fun), no fajitas or ritas (disappointment).

Now that I'm on the back side of summer, I tried the pool, again. Still too cold! Farewell to the lazy days by the pool. I have 4 more weeks until we start school. Just for the record, this was the fastest summer in my books.

I hope everyone else had a delightful summer (and hopefully it didn't go at lightening speed). Email me and let me know what you did this summer, I would love to read about it!

1 comment:

Missy said...


Yep...that's all I have to say about that.