Wednesday, July 16, 2008

musings about this picture

I love that I captured this sunflower blowing in the breeze, with the river in the background. It's just a small, inexpensive Kodak camera that was used. Nothing fancy. I like that, too!

The flower, I'll call her Lizzy, really captures the essence of a sunflower. Here she is, in the sunny, warm desert, atop a hill overlooking the cool, blue river below. One can see that she enjoys the wind blowing through her petals. She's happy in the sunlight. She was created for this. That's why they call her a "sunflower". Yellow...the color of sunshine, of happiness, of freedom, of creativity, of free spiritedness. The brown in the center; solid, sturdy, dependable, anchored, thoughtful...not flighty.

The whole composition of this photo is just absolutely amazing to me. I feel encouraged when I see it. I'm going to enjoy it when it's January and it's dark and dreary outside, with cold rain. My picture of Lizzy will speak of another season; not just of summer, but of the heart and spirit.

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