Friday, March 11, 2011

The Cookie

This chocolate cookie was a no-brainer temptation. What I mean is this: I was painting and while I was painting, the thought of the chocolate cookie came to mind, then I instantly recalled how good it tastes. It had been 2 hours since lunch and a little snackie would be good and tasty. So, I put my paint brush down, washed my hands and wandered into the kitchen. I popped open the lid and the fragrance of chocolate cookies wafted up to my nostrils. "Mmmmm", I thought. And then, an image of a glass of milk entered my mind. I poured a small glass of milk. I took a bite of the cookie. As soon I did, it occurred to me that I had just given into temptation. GASP! I finished the cookie. GASP! I stared at the small glass of milk. Cookies and milk go together like burgers and fries or pie and coffee. One without the other is sacrilege. So, I figured I had better take a photo of the culprits of my failure. (As you may or may not know, I'm on a mission for 40 days to resist temptation.) I grab another cookie (and smell that wonderful smell), I feel remorseful that a chocolate cookie is such an obvious temptation and yet, without even thinking, I was tempted and just gave in to it. INCONCEIVABLE! (you are now thinking about the Princess Bride, aren't you?) I set the cookie on a napkin and I position the milk beside it. I take several pictures of the offenders. I take a picture of the cookie, from different angles and lighting settings. (sigh) I scroll through my shots and delete the bad photos. I forward the good ones to my email. I got distracted by the dog wanting back inside. Mind you, this all happened in about 2 minutes. I let the dog back inside and see the cookie and milk. I pick up the cookie and mindlessly eat it. GASP! .........................FOOL! I DID IT AGAIN!!! How could I go through 2 minutes of realizing  MY depravity regarding the temptation of cookies just to do it AGAIN?!  INCONCEIVABLE!

The thing of it is, Jesus was going without food for 40 days in the desert and the devil came to Him and tempted Him to turn a stone into a loaf of bread. That was a temptation based on a legitimate need.

Cookies and milk?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

luv it- u have a gift