Thursday, August 28, 2008

I was reminded today of something that happened to James and I about 2 years ago. We were on our way to the church facility one Sunday morning (I think we were in charge of something. What I remember is that it was really important that we be there on time, if not early). As we were driving, we passed a stranded car along side the road with a young couple looking distraught, standing beside the vehicle. He had tattoos and was smoking a cigarette. Their car was stuck in mud. We were in our Jeep with 4 wheel drive and a hitch. We could have helped. But, we were pushing it time wise to get the meeting. I cried. It was a sad circumstance. We were so busy going to church; we didn’t have time to be the church. Yikes! The popular acronym among Christians: WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) came to mind. I know what the Jesus I know would’ve done. He would have pulled the Jeep over and He and his disciples would get out, hook up the car, pull it out of the mud, say something profound and teach into the situation. That isn’t what James and Michelle did. No. We passed them, I cried, I pushed the responsibility onto Jesus to send someone with more time to help them. We were in a time crunch and besides, we didn’t have a chain. We would’ve been of no use. Interesting how we justify our actions. But I prayed for them!? (Sigh)
I am reminded also of a parable about the lost sheep. About leaving the 99 to go after the 1 lost one and how there is so much rejoicing in heaven over 1 sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. One could get busy tending sheep. I am reminded of another parable about the Good Samaritan. Notice the ones who passed by the certain poor soul: “a certain priest” and “a Levite”. Ouch! Could that be us? It took a Samaritan to show love and compassion to the poor soul in the parable. Samaritans were the least of all humankind back in that day (Perhaps they smoked cigarettes and had tattoos. They obviously didn’t look like righteous Jews) but, these Samaritans are ones Jesus used to teach us a lesson about loving our neighbors. He modeled love, He spoke of love, and He was all about love. In fact, the Bible says, “God is love”.
The lesson for me: Don’t forget to love my neighbor, even when I find myself in a time crunch. Being a follower of Jesus is more than just trying to make it to the church on time. It is more about being the timely church to a lost and hurting world.

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