Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 4: Dear Bread Diary

Well, I'm halfway through this little self-appointed-anger-management-bread-making project. I'm sure this is  the point where I am supposed to tell you "Thank you, bread. You have worked wonders for me. I am healed". Or maybe it's the point where insurance sends me a letter stating that I have now exceeded my 20 visits, the maximum in any one year, and that from here on out it's coming right out of my own pocket and by the way, thank you for being such a valued sucker client and also to please note that because of my diagnosis, my premium will now be increased and reflected on the next billing statement.

Oh wait. This wasn't covered by insurance. Of course. Silly me. It was considered alternative medicine.
Maybe I need to release the whole I'm-bitter-about-insurance thing. (?)

I can say that I am getting much better at making bread. Some bread recipes are getting easier for me as I have now made them several times (even though I didn't tell you I did). I have a deeper appreciation of the simplicity of walking into the grocery store and just picking up a bag of bread to take home. Nice. But, note, I am not at all impressed with the flavor however aesthetically pleasing to the eye it may seem. And I am curious as to how this store-bought stuff sits around for days and days without growing moldy or hardening. My bread can mold over and harden within 4-5 days! Actually, I don't want to know the reason for this. It will make me angry about what "they" are putting in my food supply that has wreaked so much havoc on my thyroid and metabolism. And that will just lead me to pre-existing conditions and insurance.

Having to focus on bread-making has been a good thing. I have to think about recipes, ingredients, preparation & scheduling rather than my poor, pitiful, self.  I have taken more walks because I'm trying to keep the weight gain to a minimum,so I guess you can say I have added more exercise into my life. I have also started sharing my bread, which forces me to be more social.

All in all, I suppose I'm on the up and up.

Dough Girl

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Michelle -- I love reading your blog. You have such a talent for writing and actually creating a "picture" of what you are writing about! Keep on!!