Mr. Friend and my boy Friends (sons) say these are their favorite thus far. I made them for Good Friday. I know, I know, Friday is supposed to be "fry-day" (fried bread day) but, it was Good Friday, the Friday before Easter Sunday. And Hot Cross Buns are traditional Easter fare.
"Sharing a hot cross bun with another is supposed to ensure friendship throughout the coming year, particularly if "Half for you and half for me, Between us two shall goodwill be" is said at the time. Because of the cross on the buns, some say they should be kissed before being eaten. If taken on a sea voyage, hot cross buns are said to protect against shipwreck. If hung in the kitchen, they are said to protect against fires and ensure that all breads turn out perfectly. The hanging bun is replaced each year."
Oops. I forgot to keep one to hang in the kitchen to "ensure all breads turn out perfectly". Didn't kiss them either. I did share the buns though.
Here's what I did:

I ate one.
1 comment:
And I ate one too at church on Saturday night. They were sooooooo good!
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