Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 30: Peanut Butter Bread

Busy days call for quick breads. Quick breads don't usually have yeast and therefore, don't usually need to rise. Because of that, I can shave 1 1/2 hours off of my bread making time! Woo Hoo!

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed making homemade bread. And I will probably continue the practice well after this 40 day project is over. It's difficult to go back to the store-bought stuff. But, in a busy life, convenience is key.

So, after perusing my 30 cookbooks for bread recipes (note to self: the first time you peruse, reference the cookbook, not just the recipe and page #), I found one that my boys were interested in. They love PB&J sandwiches, so how fun would it be to have the bread already peanut butter flavored? The recipe not only called for peanut butter, but also oatmeal. Seems healthy enough, so I quickly made the bread. I used natural peanut butter (because we don't eat the sugar laden stuff) and old fashioned oats. The bread was still sweet because it had 3/4 cup sugar in it. (I might cut back on that # and try it with honey next time). Anyway, the bread turned out not only beautiful (which was an aesthetic success) but also tasty.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

This sounds yummy!