Friday, April 16, 2010


A friend at church brought me his grandmother's breadmaker machine. His grandmother and mother have made bread in it. My turn is coming.  It's a metal bucket about the size of an old-fashioned ice cream maker bucket. It has a crank on the top that you have to assemble. It has a clamp that holds the bucket to the table/counter top. There's several pieces.

It apparently was a Gold Medal winner at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. It says so on the front of the bucket.

It has a bread hook that you crank by hand.

The instructions assume a girl knows how to make bread because on the lid it says," Put in all liquids first and then add flour..."

I'm going to make bread with this machine. I'm going to use a recipe I've used before, but I think I'll have to double the recipe in order to actually fill the bottom of the bucket in order for the bread hook/mixer to do it's job.

I'll keep ya posted.

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