Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Small Victory

I ran
I ran 2.5
I ran 2.5 miles.
I ran 2.5 miles and
I ran 2.5 miles and had
I ran 2.5 miles and had a
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on my
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on my face.

My iPod helped. (King of Pop. RIP)
My commitment to health helped.
My iPod helped. (zzTop)
The threat of rain helped.
50 degrees helped.
My pedometer helped.
My iPod helped. (Seal)
Pushing through the pain (never done that before) helped.

Small victory.

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