- When starting a sourdough, it takes 72 hours to incubate. Once the 3 days are up, you can store sourdough in the fridge indefinitely. Of course, you have to feed it, stir it, use it or share it within 14 days.
- Sourdough was originally used because it’s a natural leavening agent. When yeast wasn’t as accessible or plentiful as it today, this is what people used. “It’s been around for centuries. Before the birth of Christ, ancient Egyptians reportedly captured wild yeast from the air and mixed it into their dough because it made their bread rise.” (Southern Living Cookbook 1987, pg 91) I wonder how they captured the yeast? Does yeast still float around in the air? I imagine ancient Egyptians walking like an Egyptian with their butterfly nets in the air. Those who weren’t working on the pyramids were making papyrus paper or catching wild yeast.
- “As it ages, the flavor mellows, imparting progressively more sourdough flavor each time its used”, reads my cookbook. I agree. The older I get, the more mellow and snarky I become!
- Sourdough should be stored in glass, stoneware, or plastic because metal can cause a chemical reaction with the starter.
- You have to feed the starter or use it within 14 days. And you must stir it daily. It could be the closest thing to a pet for some people.
- “Never cover the container too tightly, gas needs to escape and air needs to get in to react with the yeast.” Ahhh…isn’t that cute? Sounds like my boys when they have friends over.
- Sourdough can make hootch (cheap, homemade liquor) . Hmmmm... more possibilities.
- There’s a whole sub-culture of people who deal with sourdough as a way of life. Check out sourdough.com
- It is said that when a starter is moved to a new location, it changes to match the local environment. Even though this starter started out in California, it would now have the same organisms as your homegrown baby starter.

This photo here is a baby picture of Snarky circa 1974.
Cute, huh?
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