Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tub of Tea

It's nearly Christmas.

Shopping, schedules,, crafts, craziness.
We're enduring.
We may be limping, coughing, wheezing, bleary-eyed, over-stuffed, under-rested & generally ready for something a bit more relaxing but oh by jolly, we are enduring.

I know, a tub of Epsom salts would be great.  But, why not consider a TUB OF TEA?

I'm sure you have all you need in your kitchen or house, so there's no need to run off to yet another store.

Here's some things to look for:

Green Tea, Peppermint, Rosemary, Orange peels, Rose Petals, Lavender, Chamomile Tea, Essential Oils (Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree Oil, etc)

Green Tea: Energizing & stabilizes mood. Also a great antioxidant, anti-aging, healing tea.
Chamomile Tea: relaxing and anti-inflammatory. It's great for irritated or dry skin.
Rosemary: Relaxing, helps with alertness, clarifies skin
Peppermint: Energizing
Lavender: Calming, anti-inflammatory, induces sleep
Sage: helps with acne & oily skin

Here's what you do:

Brew about 2 cups of very strong herbal tea using existing tea or herbs. Strain the tea. Add it to your bath water. You can add essential oils to your bath water as well. If you used loose leaf tea or herbs, once strained, you can take the strained leaves and place them in cheesecloth or a wash cloth. Gather the ends of said cloth and tightly secure a rubberband, hair tie or string around the ends. Place in bath water while you soak all your cares away and rejuvenate.

It's like a mini spa treatment. I think we can endure that!

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