Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thin Places

I know a few years ago, during a small group setting, I talked about thin places. I had experienced a thin place at Ft. Worden beach in Port Townsend, Wa. back in 2005. It was real and life changing. I count it as a spiritual marker; a touchstone, in my walk with the Lord.

Here is what Marcus Borg in The Heart of Christianity says about thin places:

"Thin places (a metaphor found in Celtic Christianity) has its home in a particular way of thinking about God. Deeply rooted in the Bible and Christian tradition, this way of thinking sees God, 'the More', as the encompassing Spirit in which everything is. God is not somewhere else, but right here. In words attributed to Paul in the book of Acts, God is the 'One in whom we live, and move and have our being.' Note how the words work: we are in God, we live in God, we move and have our being in God. God is a non-material layer of reality all around us, right here as well as more than right here. This way of thinking thus affirms that there are minimally two layers of dimensions of reality, the visible world of our ordinary experience and God, the Sacred, Spirit.
But occasionally we do experience God shining through everything. Thin places are where these two levels of reality meet or intersect. They are places where the boundary between the two levels becomes very soft, porous, permeable. Thin places are where the veil momentarily lifts and we behold God, experience the One in whom we live, all around us and within us.
A thin place is anywhere our hearts are opened. To use sacramental language, a thin place is a sacrament of the sacred, a mediator of the sacred, a means whereby the sacred becomes present to us. A thin place is a means of grace.
What I wish to emphasize is how this notion helps us understand traditional Christian practices, both corporate and individual. My claim is that their central purpose is to become a thin place where our hearts are opened."

I have experienced that place where Heaven and Earth meet. I have experienced it in both a corporate setting and an individual setting. It truly is a means of grace. To see God shining through; to catch another glimmer of this multi-faceted God, is truly God gracing us. It amazes me how little I have to do with it. It isn't anything I can manipulate or control. If I just keep my heart right, He will surprise me with His holy presence.

Have you ever experienced a thin place?

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