Sometimes I live my life destination oriented; attempting to accomplish something physically or spiritually on the ever-on-going "To Do" list. But that isn't how I truly believe I ought to live life. Life is really more about a journey. The Bible tells us we are just sojourners, passing through, aliens to this world, awaiting our future home with God. We are supposed to live here with God, right now, as if we were on some backpacking adventure.
This picture to the left reminds me of that. If I were destination focused, I would choose the direction and do whatever necessary to get there (i.e: turn left, go straight just beyond the bend and STOP). I would also be more focused on getting there, that I would probably miss something along the way. To have, or to live, an eternity with God means I can slow down. The journey is something to be enjoyed. Eternity with God began for me 24 years ago when I came to know Jesus. My relationship with Him has been a journey. There have been plenty of forks, bends, beasts, flowers, vistas, valleys, climbs, rocks, communities, refreshments, scenic overlooks, not-so-scenic overlooks, thorns and briers. I have conversed with the Lord for 24 years along this path and I don't expect that conversation to end once this world is over. I'm just 24 years into my eternity with God.
Another interesting thing I have noticed in my journey is how sometimes one path actually meets back up with a path I may have passed along the way. Sometimes, I walk that path and end up back where I once was. Then I trod along a familiar path and sometimes notice new things. Maybe it's a different season, maybe I learned something new about the habitat and therefore see things in a new way or maybe I end up on the same path, but going to the opposite direction. Have you ever done that? Have you ever walked a path and then turn around and walk back the way from which you came? It's sort of a different view. Same path, different perspective. I rather like that.
I have also noticed that no matter how familiar I am with the path, the journey along the path is ALWAYS different! When I lived in the Woodlands, TX, we had trails that connected housing neighborhoods to each other as well as to schools and shopping areas and parks. There was a 3 mile loop near our neighborhood. I used to walk this trail or ride my bike along this trail. Needless to say, I was extremely familiar with it. I knew where the bridges were, the lakes were, the churches, the grocery store, the schools were. I walk that loop in about 35-40 minutes. But, every time was different. Sometimes I had company. Sometimes the weather was warmer or colder. Sometimes the foliage was different or there was a different season or light. All the variables changed but the trail remained a constant.
God knows the path I am walking. He goes with me. There is a destiny that He has in store for me. In the New Testament, Paul talks about laying hold of that for which Christ had laid hold of me. What is "that"? Must be my destiny in Jesus. So, I trust in Him, who is constant. And even though the variables in my journey are constantly changing and even sometimes the scenery changes, I trust God. He says He knows the plans He has for me , plans to prosper and not harm me, plans for a future (in the book of Isaiah). He gave David a beautiful psalm about being a sheep in the care of the Shepherd (Ps. 23). He also says he has new things in store for me that he reveals to me before they happen (also in Isaiah). As with everything God says, it always pivots on a relationship with Him. We weren't meant to go the journey alone. God always intended to be with us and even when mankind messed it up in the Garden, God made a plan to get us back into relationship with Him.
God is my trail guide. He's my friend. He's my good Daddy. He is my Saviour, my Redeemer. He's wild and He's good. His very creation speaks of that. I am happy to continue my eternal journey with God. So, I'll slow down and breathe, look around, be still, and listen. The destination part will happen because I'm on the pathway that leads there. The relationship and what I see on the journey is up to me.
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