Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Small Victory

I ran
I ran 2.5
I ran 2.5 miles.
I ran 2.5 miles and
I ran 2.5 miles and had
I ran 2.5 miles and had a
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on my
I ran 2.5 miles and had a smile on my face.

My iPod helped. (King of Pop. RIP)
My commitment to health helped.
My iPod helped. (zzTop)
The threat of rain helped.
50 degrees helped.
My pedometer helped.
My iPod helped. (Seal)
Pushing through the pain (never done that before) helped.

Small victory.

Back in TEXAS


Our little family moved back home to Texas.
We've had a few losses though. Murphy, our little mini schnauzer, received his wings May 5th of 2012.
He was the best dog in the entire world. To us. He was loved by all who knew him. A very friend to all. I miss you Murphy.

We also lost Walter (the sourdough I created when we moved out of the old farmhouse in Forest Grove and into our "ranch" house in Forest Grove). Walter was Sid's companion and lived almost 2 1/2 years. Walter and Sid journeyed to Texas from Oregon in a styrofoam cooler (spare me the atrocities of the styrofoam, I know!!!) that sat in the passenger seat of a large UHaul. I sat squished between Mr. Friend and the cooler. Stella and Beary (two stuffed bears that keep my craziness company) sat upon the cooler enjoying the scenery. Every night, in the motel room, I would fret over and stir the two sourdoughs. Each of them took turns frightening me with a lack of bubbles (bubbles in a sourdough is a positive sign of life). Anyway, they survived the trip.

It is my mom's fridge where Walter met his demise. Apparently, a fruit fly found its way to the starter and, well....fruit flies LOVE hootch (and sourdoughs make their own hootch, since they do ferment).
Let's just leave it at that. The boys, Mr. Friend & I gathered around the sink and had a moment of silent reflection of all Walter gave to us. Then, we sent him to the sea.

Sid, however, is ALIVE!! In fact, he has taken to bubbling and doubling in his jar that he has popped out and spilled over his jar a few times now! I had to stir him twice a day, just to stop the commotion. He's slowed down now. I'm not sure if that was the mourning process, or if it was just that Walter kept Sid from that sort of potential. Sid, now lives with the beer out in the small fridge in the garage.

I'm going to start another blog soon and just thought I'd update this one.

Not that anyone will notice.